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Achaari Tikki / Pickle Potatoes Cutlets

Achaari Tikki / Pickle Potatoes Cutlets

Recipe by Chitra Ahluwalia Pal of New York, US

These spicy, homemade, easy to cook cutlets are so tempting, that you can fall in love with them. You can serve them as party snack instead of those frozen cutlets you buy from market. You don’t need any fancy item here and you can make them as wraps next morning if you have any leftovers or make extra. Fill them in pita bread with salad leaves and hummus..

Ingredients vegetarian 4 servings

    • 3 Potatoes
    • 1 tsp of anaardana / pomegranate seeds
    • Salt to taste
    • 1 tsp of red chili powder 
    • Oil for shallow frying
    • 4 tbsp of dry flour (used whole wheat)
    For Filing
    • 3 tbsp of your favorite pickle (used spicy mango pickle in this recipe)
    • 1 cup of roasted moong daal (used Haldriam Moong daal packet)
    • 2 tbsp of fresh cilantro / dhaniya leaves


    1. Boil potatoes and peel them.
    2. In one mixing bowl mash potatoes and mix salt, red chili powder, anaardana and mix it well. If you think that mixture is little wet you can add little bit of flour.
    3. In another mixing bowl add pickle, cilantro leaves and moong daal and mix it well.
    4. Heat oil in a non stick pan.
    5. Now start making small balls of potato mixture and flatten them in centre. 
    6. Add mixture of pickle in centre and close the cutlet carefully. 
    7. Now press the cutlet carefully, so that it does not break open. Use dry flour on counter table for this, in this way it will not slip from your hands.
    8. Keep making the cutlets and then shallow fry them 4-5 minutes each side or until golden brown.
    9. Now in a serving plate place this cutlet in centre, sprinkle cilantro leaves on top and tomato ketchup around the cutlet. Serve hot.



    Thks nice receipe,especialy fr the month of ramzan


    Hi ! Chitra ... Nice recipe . Thank U . Potatoes are the richest sources of Starch , Vitamins , Minerals and Dietary Fiber .(Soluble and Insoluble) Low fat and no Cholesterol .Potatoes with skin are gud source of Antioxidant Vitamins , Vit C . High in Potassium beating other Potassium rich foods . Gud source of Iron , Copper nd Magnesium . Potatoes are gud for the heart , Prevents Constipation , Lowers bad Cholesterol , Prevents Blood clotting and Strengthens the Immune System . Boiled and Baked potatoes are good for us .